Aniedehe Care Foundation

Igniting Purpose:

Driving Development and Empowerment for Lives in Nigeria

Discover how our initiatives in education, skill development, and empowerment are shaping purposeful lives and fostering prosperity in Nigeria.

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Raised:$2,050 Goal:$5,000

Time Remain:

567 Days Left



Welcome To Our Aniedehe Care Foundation

Aniedehe Care Foundation was born out of a deep-seated desire to be of service to humanity. It was founded on the belief that the world needs more love, empathy, and compassion, especially in an unprecedented time where so many are struggling with emotional, and psychological challenges.

Imagine a young woman named Ima, who grew up in a bustling city in Nigeria with big dreams of making a difference in her community. Ima was passionate about education and believed that through it, she could change lives and uplift those around her. However, she lacked the direction and mentorship needed to turn her dreams into reality.



There is an alarming rate of moral decadence in young people in recent times and has led to the collapse in upholding ethical standards thus, impeding development and self-awareness resulting in lower standards of moral behavior, and criteria for ethics and social justice.

Consequently, in sub-Saharan African, the economic and social prospects are daunting for the 89 million out-of-school youth who comprise nearly half of all youth in Sub-Saharan Africa. Within the next decade, when this cohort becomes the core of the labor market, an estimated 40 million more youth will drop out, and will face an uncertain future with limited work and life skills.

Recently, Nigeria suffers from insecurity and kidnapping pandemic resulting from chronic poverty. Study revealed poor parental upbringing, lack of affection and care, quest for materialism, teachers’ teaching behaviour, peer influence, societal influence, poor economy, political instability, and drug abuse as the causes of moral decadence among Nigerian youths.

Purposeful Objective

Consultants and Advisors

Our Teams

‘Educated humanity is a blessing for the world’

Explore our comprehensive programme dedicated to providing essential support to children in need, ensuring they have access to quality education. Through our efforts, we aim to break down barriers to learning, empower disadvantaged children, and equip them with the tools they need to thrive and succeed in life. Join us in making a difference and transforming the lives of these children, paving the way for a brighter and more promising future.

Make a difference

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Explore opportunities to get involved and make a difference in our initiatives, from volunteering and donating to advocating for change. Join us in our mission to create a brighter future for all.



Your contribution matters. By donating, you’re investing in transformative initiatives that uplift communities, empower individuals, and foster sustainable change. Join us in our mission to create a brighter future for all by donating today.